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Technique to play football for beginners

Technique to play football for beginners

Technique to play football for beginners

Technique to play football for beginners

For a player to play the ball well equipped with a good basic technique. Players who have a good basic technique of these players tend to play football well too.

Some of the basic techniques that need to be owned by football players is 

·         Kicking (kicking),
·         Stopping or Controlling (stoping),
·         Dribbling (dribbling),
·         Heading (heading),
·         Rob (tacling),
·         Into throws (Trow - in)
·         and Wicket Keeping (Goal Keeping)

       Below are described some techniques Kicking, Stopping, and mengiring Soccer ball in the game.

1 Kick (kicking)

Kicking the ball is one of the characteristics of the most dominant football game. The main purpose is to feed the ball kicking (passing), and shot on goal (shootig at the goal).

Judging from the imposition of the foot to the ball, kicking can be divided into several types, namely Kicking with the inside foot, Kicking the outer leg, and kick with the instep.

A. Kicking with the inside leg.

In general, this technique is used to feed a short distance.
Analysis of the motion is as follows:

·         Body behind the ball facing the target.
·         Foot fulcrum stand over the ball less than 15 cm, the foot facing the target, knees slightly bent.
·         Legs tending pulled backward, and forward swing.
·         After the collision followed by Follow Trow, (gerakanlanjutan). 

B. Kicking with the outer leg

In general, the technique of kicking with the outside of the foot is used to feed a short distance.

Analysis of the motion as follows: 
·         The position of the body behind the ball, pivot foot beside the ball back 25 cm, facing kesasaran toe, and knees slightly bent.
·         Leg kick is behind the ball, with a toe menghadapkedalam. @ Foot tending drawn backward and forward swing.
·         Imposition ball right on the outside of the back foot, and right on the ball by being surrounded.
·         Movement continued tending foot raised approximately 45 degrees oblique facing the target.

Kicking with the instep C.

In general, kicking with the instep is used to shoot on goal or shooting.
Gerakanya analysis as follows:
·         Body behind the ball slightly leaning forward, pivot foot is placed beside the ball with the toe facing kesasaran, legs slightly bent.
·         Foot tending to be behind the ball with the instep facing forward / target.
·         Foot tending to pull back and swing forward to the ball.
·         Perkenaan right foot on the ball at full instep dsan tepatpada middle - the middle of the ball.
·         Movement continued on foot and lift tending directed towards the target. 

2 Ball Stop (Stopping)
Stopping the ball is one of the basic techniques in the game of football is its use in conjunction with the technique of kicking the ball. The aim is to stop the ball to control the ball, which includes the game is to set the tempo, the pace of the game shift, and make it easy for passing.
Gerakanya analysis as follows:
·         The position of the body in line with the arrival of the ball.
·         Feet pivot leads to boladengan knees slightly ditekut.
·         Foot stopper slightly raised inner surface deengan fore legs stretched out in line with the arrival of the ball.
·         The ball touches the inside right foot / ankle.
·         Foot stopper technique bola.Untuk follow the direction to stop the ball there are many ways to do them is to use Instep, Thighs, Chest, and Head whenever possible. 

3 Ball Dribbling

Basically kick dribble is interrupted - or quietly dropped, therefore the legs are used in the same dribble with the foot used to kick the ball. Dribble aims among others to approach kesasaran distance, past the opponent, and hinder the game.

Below will be described regarding body position while dribbling using the inside of the leg:
·         Position each foot to dribble with the ball kicking position.
·         Legs that are used for not going back to dribble only
swung forward.
·         each step, the ball regularly touched / pushed rolling
·         Ball rolling should always closely with the legs so that the ball can be controlled
·         At the time herding bolakedua knees slightly bent to facilitate
control of the ball.
·         At the moment the foot touches the ball, pendangan towards the ball and then look
situation spaciousness. 

GAME RULES SOCCER soccer field
rectangular field with a length of 91.8 ± - 120 m and width: 46.7 - 91.8m. While international games typically use Length: 100-110 m and width: 64 - 73.44 m. using a 12 cm-thick line (the line is the field of games) with 1.5 m high flagpole.

Hurdles: The length of the goal 7:34 am and 2:44 High with a strong plug for safety in the player.

Each association must prepare the equipment has been in sepakati.Asosiasi can determine the size of the field lines themselves, as long as within reasonable limits and in accordance with the international agency. 

· Ball (The Ball)
1 The ball should be round and should be made ​​of materials that have been agreed.
2 around the ball no more than 71 cm and less than 68 cm. weighing 410-450 gram.dan air pressure 0.6 - 1.1atsmosfer. turn of the ball with the permission of the referee.
· Number of Players (nomber Of Player)
1 matches followed by two teams with the number of players each team of 11 people including a kipper.
2 substitutions for a maximum of 3 official games (FIFA). for competition there is a separate determination of 3 and a maximum of 7 players. name must first notify the referee.
· Referee (Referee's) and Line Judge
1 A referee will be appointed preformance every match certain criteria.
2. authority and use of power is given by the Law of the match after the referee's body went into the field.
3. rule applies throughout the game referee and his decision should not be disturbed jerk.
4 Do not let the assistant coaches and reserve players into the field.
5. Two assistant referees in the lift necessary to assist in: when the ball came out (out) the party is 
entitled to a free kick and a corner., A player who caught offside, the behavior of the players etc..
· Equipment Players

1. equipment that should be used by every player include: dress / costume, shorts, shin guards must be covered by socks and soccer shoes. goalkeeper may use different costumes.
2 players should not use traditional anything harmful seperti.Cincin agate, necklace etc..
· The length of the game (Duration of the Game)
1 game lasts for 2 rounds with each - 45 minutes each half with a break of no less than 15 minutes .kecuali:

o leeway time is due to the replacement of injured players.

o The length of time that is given is determined by the referee's decision.
The beginning of the game with a kick kick off with the first lottery in accordance with the position dahulu.dengan off lottery tersebut.kick performed well during the aftermath of the goal to the opponent's goal.
· The ball inside or Outside the field (Ball in and out of play)

o The ball is in said outside the game if: when the ball has wholly out of the line of the field, when the referee has stopped the game.
o Off Side is one if the players closer to the goal line to the opponents of the pace of the ball, unless:
1) players are in the field at his own game.
2) there are at least 2 players behind him
· Violations - violations that are not polite in saying:

o A person who commits one of the offenses that will be considered improperly referee should not do such things:
- Deliberately kicking an opponent with,
- Spitting at an opponent,
- Hold the ball with the hands,
- Knock your opponent, when the object is not captured but the ball and the opponent's leg
- There are many more other offenses.
Kind of - kind of kick in the game of Football:

o free kick (Free Kick)
Free kick can be interpreted into two kinds: direct kick and kick langsung.Bola can not be played when the first outside line penalty.jarak defender with the ball ± 9:15 m of the ball in the circumstances bola.dengan silent and not rolling.

o Penalty Kick (pinalty)
This kick is done if there is a breach in the penalty line. the ball should be placed right on the penalty spot, and the goalkeeper must be under the crossbar and should not move the ball at his feet but after tending.

o kick Hurdles (Goal kick)
This kick is done if: melampuhi ball at the goal line the ball must be kicked directly towards the goal while the player who created thanks to this kick unauthorized
Corner kick o (Corner Kick)
This kick is done when the ball crossed the goal line, either floating or scroll tanah.yang terakir where the ball touched by a player who bertahan.Bola placed in the quarter circle flagpole. kicked when the ball is not in motion

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