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Tips playing basketball for beginners

Tips playing basketball for beginners

Tips playing basketball for beginners
Tips playing basketball for beginners

Tips playing basketball for beginners

Basketball is a ball sport which is done in groups where one team consists of 5 people who compete with each other to put the ball into the goal mace bed to get points. 

The game of basketball was invented by James A. Smith in 1981 and the game of basketball in Indonesia was first introduced by a Dutch named Tonny When Dai Wimlatumenten in 1948. 

For those of you who want to learn the sport of basketball, here are tips - tips for beginners 
  • Passing and Catching 
Passing means to pass, while catching means catch. For the beginner, you should learn the basics - basic catch and pass the ball in this basketball game. In Passing dasa there are several techniques, among others: 
a. Chest pass (pass at breast height) 

This operand is done by starting memegan ball in front of the chest, then the ball is thrown straight ahead. 

b. Bounce pass (bounce pass) 

To start this pass, the ball began - first there in a position parallel to the chest and then pass it to the bouncing ball toward the floor. 

c. Overhead pass (pass above head) 

This operand is done with both hands above the ball and the receiver also must accept the above position. 

d. Behind the back pass 

Operand that this one should do the exercises over and over - and over to be able to make a move this one properly. This operand is done by passing the ball from the back position so that the opponent does not know the position of the intended target 

e. baseball pass 

Operand is done when the ball is above or behind the head. The purpose of this passing that position and the ball bounced past the opponent. This operand is not very accurate but very useful when doing fast break. 
  • Dribbling (Dribble) 
The basic principle in teaching techniques, among others, control dribble on fingers - fingers, head erect, Maintaining a low body, protecting the ball, and both hands to the same train - the same can dribble the ball well. 
  • Shooting (shooting the ball) 
This movement is a movement fired the ball toward the opponent's basket in order to get points. 
  • Pivot (how to spin) 
Pivot is a body with a circular motion using one foot as the pivot round. Pivot can be done before going to do the dribble, passing, or shooting. 
  • rebound 
Rebound is a jumping movement that aims to take the ball to enter the basket ball or to defend us not to concede the ball from the opponent. 

For those of you who want to be able to play basketball with adept, you may be able to study the movement - a movement that has been mentioned above.

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